Team Rankings
1. GER
2. AUT
3. DEN
Autor: Uwe Schlaffke-Mowinkel
World Championship F3B 2023 Denmark
World’s are over
1._Bernhard Flixeder__AUT
2._Andreas Herrig_____GER
3._Steffen Besemer____GER
Overall Standings:
Status update Hohenstoffeln-Pokal, 26./ 27. August
Good Folks
Many thanks to those that have already registered and even transferred the starting fee. Unfortunately, we haven’t reached the minimum limit of participants yet (30). See
Hohenstoffeln-Pokal 2023 |
I would like to ask you to register and transfer the starting fee until 14 August 2023. This is our deadline where we are going to make the go / no-go decision. In case you would like to pay on-site (cash) please confirm your participation via E-Mail to me. We count on your word.
On our side we try everything to keep this event alive. Thanks for your support.
Kind regards,
1st East Belgium F3B Cup
1.Andreas Böhlen_____SUI
2.Johannes Krischke___GER
3.Andreas Herrig______GER
Eifeler Mundart: Weltcup-Wettbewerb des Modellflugclubs „Country Flyers“
Der Modellflugclub „Country Flyers“, dessen Flugplatz auf der Anhöhe bei Lommersweiler liegt, organisiert am Wochenende vom 8. und 9. Juli einen Weltcup-Wettbewerb.
14. Sonnenwendpokal F3B
1.____Buchert, Jens______GER
2.____Besemer, Steffen___GER
3.____Krischke, Johannes_GER
World Championship F3B 2023 Denmark
The 2023 World Championship F3B WILL take place in Rødekro, Aabenraa, Denmark after all!
Hohenstoffeln-Pokal 2023
Anmeldung für den Hohenstoffeln-Pokal vom 26./ 27. August ist offen
12th International F3B Cup Jesenik
1. Herrig, Andreas_____GER
2. Rossmann, Hans____AUT
3. Flixeder, Bernhard__AUT
Helfer für die F3B World Championship in Dänemark gesucht. Volunteers wanted for the F3B World Championship in Denmark.
Das F3B Team aus Chile braucht Unterstützung für die WM und sucht noch Helfer.
Kontakt über Martin Weberschock.
The F3B team from Chile needs support for the World Cup and is still looking for helpers.
Contact via Martin Weberschock.